Theses, Conference, & Journal Publications

  • Asaad, A.-A. B. (2017). Bayesian Autoregressive Distributed Lag via Stochastic Gradient Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. Master's Thesis. (read) 📈

  • Asaad, A.-A. B. (2013). Seasonal space-time autoregressive integrated moving average modeling. Undergraduate Thesis. (read) 🌧️

  • Asaad, A.-A. B. (2023). Multi-step forecasting of the Philippine storm frequencies using Poisson neural network. Theor Appl Climatol 152, 293-305, doi: 10.1007/s00704-023-04394-4 (read) 🌀

  • Asaad, A.-A. B. (2022). Circular characteristics of the philippine storm tracks. Spatial Information Research 30(1), 143-153, doi: 10.1007/s41324-021-00415-4 (read) 🌀

  • Asaad, A.-A. B. , Salvacion, A.R. , & Yen, B.T. (2022). ALUES: R package for Agricultural Land Use Evaluation System. Journal of Open Source Software 7(73), 4228, doi: 10.21105/joss.04228 (read) 🌾

  • Asaad, A.-A. B. (2022). Bayesian log-linear Poisson Autoregressive Model. In 15th National Convention on Statistics, (read) 🌀

  • Asaad, A.-A. B. & Morales, M.L.R. (2022). On the rolling forecast of the LightGBM for multi-step forecasting. In 15th National Convention on Statistics, (read) 📈

  • Asaad, A.-A. B. (2021). QuranTree.jl: A Julia Package for Quranic Arabic Corpus. In Proceedings of the Sixth Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop, 208-212,  Kyiv, Ukraine (Virtual). Association for Computational Linguistic (read) ☪️

  • Asaad, A.-A. B. & Magadia, J.C. (2019). Stochastic Gradient Hamiltonian Monte Carlo on Bayesian Time Series Modeling. In 14th National Convention on Statistics, (read) 📈

  • Asaad, C.O. , Caraos, G.L. , Robles, G.J.M. , Asa, A.D.D.C. , Cobar, M.L.C. , & Asaad, A.-A. B. (2016). Enhancing Cytogenetic Biological Dosimetry Capabilities of the Philippines for Nuclear Incident Preparedness. Genome Integr 7(4), 143-153, doi: 10.4103/2041-9414.197163 (read) 🧬

  • Mapa, S.C.D. , Del Prado, D.G.L. , Castillo, P.G.S. , Poliquit, I.A.R. , & Asaad, A.-A. B. (2016). Enhancement of the Composite Leading Economic Indicator System of the Philippines. In 13th National Convention on Statistics, (read) 📈